Beyond Surviving Into Thriving by Dr. Michèle L. Hébert and Dr. Nadine Larivière.

Imagination is My Superpower, a children’s book that dives into reality and imagination

9-8-8 Canadian national suicide crisis Helpline (launched on November 30, 2023)

Share your thoughts on the Canada Disability Benefit

Gateway Association Webinars Calendar on Employment, Family Resource Centre, Digital Literacy and Community Events/Partnerships. Please note that the Family Resource Centre workshops run from September to June.

Donate your hair for children with hair loss!

Make Your Care Map

United Nations Convention On The Rights Of The Child

Providing for a Lifetime

IG Wealth Management_Audrey VeltriWe provide guidance to families supporting dependents with a disability and family stewards to ensure effective access to all financial programs and government supports. We implement strategies to protect these supports and guide families through periods of transition and at all life stages. We create solutions that transcend generations, so families can enjoy today, embrace tomorrow and secure a comfortable, safe and healthy future for the whole family.

Click here to learn more about Securing the Future for Disabled Loved Ones.

Audrey Veltri | | 403.619.0410

Are you prepared?

Here are some tools to help in your family emergency preparedness.

Planning and being prepared for an emergency a resource developed by the City of Calgary which experienced several natural disasters.

Emergency preparedness for persons with disabilities a downloadable guide from the City of Calgary which experienced several natural disasters.

Canadian emergency resources for people with disabilities with a list of help links and guides from the Government of Canada.

MedicAlert for people with autism a national program launched April 10, 2018 by MedicAlert Foundation Canada.
Click here to learn more about how the program works.

Talking to Children about Suicide

A guide for parents, guardians and caregivers of children 12 years of age or younger