Here is how the MedicAlert for autism program works:

  • The program is available to all Canadians on the autism spectrum.
  • Subscribers provide MedicAlert with the relevant personal (routines, triggers and de-escalation techniques) and medical information (allergies, medications) emergency responders need in an emergency
  • The program includes a special offer that entitles new subscribers to receive:
  1. One-year subscription to MedicAlert service
  2. Free unique Blue and Red MedicAlert Autism Program ID and Shoe Tag
  3. Free Shipping
  4. Free Registration
  5. No Tax.
  • The cost of the program to new subscribers is $60.

Key reasons why the MedicAlert Autism Program is the right choice for individuals on the autism spectrum:

  • Voice in an emergency – if an individual with autism is unable to effectively communicate, MedicAlert tells emergency responders what they need to know and empowers them to make informed decisions
  • Designed to rigorous medical standards – MedicAlert’s medically trained specialists ensure that all information on the MedicAlert ID adheres to globally accepted medical standards that are critically relied on by emergency responders
  • Critical assistance in seconds – MedicAlert’s 24/7 Emergency Hotline relays key medical and personal information to emergency responders within an average of five seconds of a call, in 140 languages
  • Family notification – MedicAlert will notify family of the situation and whereabouts of the subscriber at the time of an emergency
  • Educates emergency responders – MedicAlert specifically trains emergency responders including police and paramedics to look for the authentic emblem, read the information and  call the 24/7 Emergency Hotline

Referring autistic adults and families to this program may be the most important thing you do. You may be saving a life.